it looked so fun and easy to make so i decided to suprise my girls with it!! First i set out all the ingredients... well minus the cream of tartar (which apparently is quite important!) haha. but i didnt have any so i thought to myself...hmmm what to use instead? so i put in some baking
soda! haha. this i must say actually passed the test for the first hour or so..but the next day..well let just say it was sticky dough by then. So note to self people : use cream of tartar! haha
anway we made this dough and i since it was kinda late and more of an expirimental first attempt i told my girls they could each pick one color. Well OF COARSE my oldest picked pink and my #2 picked purple!! so we went ahead and mixed it up.. looked pretty good i thought for a first attempt and despite my "expirimental" ingredients. Well as they sat there mixing the dough till it turned their desired color, i noticed my #2 trying to eat it!! haha. not really a problem but i then realized she didnt know what she was holding!
I then decided to share the big "secret thing we were making.. they instantly laughed that they
actually MADE play dough. then they got to work. i set out some "tools" to play with and let them go! they played for like an hour straight! wahoo... my oldest decided to make a princess castle (big suprise;) and my #2 decided to make a um...well.. hmmm. im not sure what it was. but in the end she said it was a kickety kick ball! haha
so for all of you who might like to try making some play dough
here is the recipe straight from AnniKae's blog.
1 cup flour

I then decided to share the big "secret thing we were making.. they instantly laughed that they

so for all of you who might like to try making some play dough
here is the recipe straight from AnniKae's blog.
1 cup flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 Tbls. vegetable oil
food coloring
Combine flour, cream of tartar, and salt together in a saucepan. Then, combine water and vegetable oil in a small bowl. Slowly stir liquid into flour mixture, stirring constantly. Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from side of pan. When mixture is cool enough, divide into as many parts as you'd like and add food coloring. Knead until color is evenly distributed into dough. When finished, put into plastic bags to keep it fresh. Store at room temperature.
Looks like a lot of fun!
Keep at it! The first time I made playdough for my kids we ended up with more like that slimy booger stuff! Bleck!
WOOT! I tried this and failed miserably! I even had the cream of tartar (found at the evil empire in the spices section)
soooo I'll keep day...
oh yeah! Glad you all had fun with the play dough!
p.s. you'll have to stop by and enter to win my Give Away. Anyone is welcome...
Happy Day!
I liked your story :) I am going to have to make some for myself ;)
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